Monday, March 31, 2014


Justin Case is a good book. It is about a guy named Justin K. (his last name is hard to pronounce). One of his classmates named him Justin Case because he always worries. He goes through all the troubles you could have in third grade. There is more than one book. I know that the second one is out but I am not sure if the third one is out yet. The second one is about the summer that is going into fourth grade. I think that these books are really funny.

Complaint Letter

                                                                                                                   Ryan H.
Mr. Morawski                     
Dear Mr. Morawski,

Hi, my name is Ryan H. and I am in 6th grade in Mr. Joseph's class. I am contacting you to ask you to put recycle bins in the lunch room. This problem was caused because you took away the recycle bins. This means that most students and some staff will not recycle because of this.

BCS took away their recycle bins and now, most people are throwing things away that could be recycled. I understand that you probably took them away because people were throwing trash in them, but you could have some kind of assembly where you tell people to not throw trash in them.

This problem occurs to me every school day. I have to recycle my yogurt cup at my house. It is kind of a pain, and most people do not do what I do. Schools across the USA probably have the same problem.I think that our school could be a model to other schools. Since school waste is up to 80% recyclable, schools make a huge impact when they recycle. Recycling is also cheaper than trash disposal, so it helps save the environment AND your budget! ( We may be doing something good to the rest of the USA. Plus, we are supposed to be a green school right?

I think that the way to make this work is first, you put out some recycle bins right next to the trash cans. Next, you should have a recycle dumpster as well as a garbage one. Finally, you should have an assembly about it and establish some consequences if they throw trash in the recycle bins or if they throw recycles in the trash.

Please consider putting  recycle bins in the lunch room. If we do, we will set an example and make the world a better place.

Thank You,
Ryan H.

 CC:, my parents

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I like the singer Avicii. He has two really good songs in my opinion. "Hey Brother" and "Wake Me Up" are very good. I really like their tunes. If you want to listen to them, all you have to do is type in their names on "YouTube". Or you could buy them on Itunes or other operating systems. They have some nice tunes. I think that they are my favorite songs for now. I learned how to play "Hey Brother" on my saxophone. It is really fun to play on my saxophone so that might also be why I like them so much.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Disability awareness sounds fun. I think that it will be weird but cool to see what it is like to have a disability. It will probably also make me realize how hard it is to be someone with a disability. I will be able to appreciate how it is. I will also think that the people that have these have hard lives, but they are brave and they get through it. I think that those people will always be braver than me. They  have a harder life. I think that I am not brave compared to them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Even after you watch movies, there is more behind them. You could look for deleted scenes or bloopers or try to find something that explains how the things happen. That is what I was just doing for Harry Potter movies. I looked at some deleted scenes, and then looked at the cast talking about their favorite lines. Finally, I looked at the cast having fun on set. I think that it is fun to do more than just watch the movie. There is so many things to experience in the world, and you could not do them all in one lifetime. So many places to go, so many movies and videos to watch. Just a big experience in life. You can not do it all.

Complaint Letter

                                                                                                                       Ryan H.
Mr. Morawski                     
Dear Mr. Morawski,

Hi, my name is Ryan H. and I am in 6th grade in Mr. Joseph's class. I am contacting you to ask you to put recycle bins in the lunch room. This problem was caused because you took away the recycle bins. This means that most students and some staff will not recycle because of this.

BCS took away their recycle bins and now, most people are throwing things away that could be recycled. I understand that you probably took them away because people were throwing trash in them, but you could have some kind of assembly where you tell people to not throw trash in them.

Schools across the USA probably have the same problem.I think that our school could be a model to other schools. Since school waste is up to 80% recyclable, schools make a huge impact when they recycle. Recycling is also cheaper than trash disposal, so it helps save the environment AND your budget! ( We may be doing something good to the rest of the USA. Plus, we are supposed to be a green school right?

I think that the way to make this work is first, you put out some recycle bins right next to the trash cans. Next, you should have a recycle dumpster as well as a garbage one. Finally, you should have an assembly about it and establish some consequences if they throw trash in the recycle bins or if they throw recycles in the trash.

Please consider putting  recycle bins in the lunch room. If we do, we will set an example and make the world a better place.

Thank You,
Ryan H.

 CC:, my parents

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Last Sunday, I woke up, and I was warm in my sleeping bag. I got to lay there for a little while until the older guys in our Scout Troop. When I got out of my sleeping bag, everything was freezing. All my clothes were cold. Then, I got out of my tent and my hands were really cold and we had to drag a container with most of our food things in it. We were too cold, so we had to do it after. Then our whole troop talked and I said a prayer. We then went to have some food. My hands were so cold, it was hard to eat. Then we had to pack up.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Now, I never actually froze, but I did go on a camp-out last weekend. We went to the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I think that it was really nice to get a quick glimpse at airplane history. I say glimpse because we were only there for a little while, and they 3 hangars to look at. Some of the hangars are split up. You could spend a whole day looking at one of the hangars because there is so much stuff to read and you could look at the planes really close. I will talk about the freeze part tomorrow.

Letter of Complaint

Ryan H.

Dear Mr. Morawski,

Hi, my name is Ryan H. and I am in 6th grade in Mr. Joseph's class. I am contacting you to ask you to put recycle bins in the lunch room. The cause of this problem is you taking away the recycle bins. The effect is that students and some staff will not recycle because there is no place to recycle.

BCS took away their recycle bins and now, most people are throwing things away that could be recycled. I understand that you probably took them away because people were throwing trash in them, but you could have some kind of assembly where you tell people to not throw trash in them.

Schools across the USA probably have the same problem.I think that our school could be a model to other schools. Since school waste is up to 80% recyclable, schools make a huge impact when they recycle. Recycling is also cheaper than trash disposal, so it helps save the environment AND your budget! ( We may be doing something good to the rest of the USA. Plus, we are supposed to be a green school right?

I think that the way to make this work is first, you put out some recycle bins right next to the trash cans. Next, you should have a recycle dumpster as well as a garbage one. Finally, you should have an assembly about it and establish some consequences.

Please consider putting  recycle bins in the lunch room. If we do, we will set an example and make the world a better place.

Thank You,
Ryan H.

 CC:, my parents

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hard To Belive!

Our class got about in total $20,000 in total from Microsoft. I was happy when I thought we only got 10,000, but then we figured out we got 12,000 instead. Then I realized that many Zambian students would get tablet computers. Finally, we got trainers to teach the Zambians how to use the tractors. I almost predicted this. It was a blog post from a little while ago and I said that we could get the amount of money that we were getting all year in 1 or 2 days. Well, it was in about 10 minutes. It blew my mind.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Letter of Complaint

Ryan H.

Dear Mr. Morawski,

Hi, my name is Ryan H. and I am in 6th grade in Mr. Joseph's class. I am contacting you to ask you to put recycle bins in the lunch room. The cause of this problem is you taking away the recycle bins. The effect is that students and some staff will not recycle because there is no place to recycle.

BCS took away their recycle bins and now, most people are throwing things away that could be recycled. I understand that you probably took them away because people were throwing trash in them, but you could have some kind of assembly where you tell people to not throw trash in them.

Schools across the USA probably have the same problem.I think that our school could be a model to other schools. Since school waste is up to 80% recyclable, schools make a huge impact when they recycle. Recycling is also cheaper than trash disposal, so it helps save the environment AND your budget! ( We may be doing something good to the rest of the USA. Plus, we are supposed to be a green school right?

I think that the way to make this work is first, you put out some recycle bins right next to the trash cans. Next, you should have a recycle dumpster as well as a garbage one. Finally, you should have an assembly about it and establish some consequences.

Please consider putting  recycle bins in the lunch room. If we do, we will set an example and make the world a better place.

Thank You,
Ryan H.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Some good movies:
  1. All Harry Potter's
  2. All Star Wars
  3. All Indiana Jones
  4. Wreck it Ralph
  5. Frozen (Have not watched)
  6. LEGO Movie (Have not watched)
  7. All toy story
  8. Transformers (Kinda scary)
  9. Incredibles
  10. Phineas and Ferb 2nd demension

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

AHW (Octodad!)

Octodad is a video game that is very strange, but funny. It is about an octopus that is a dad who has 2 kids. He has to go through doing what a regular dad would do. He goes to the grocery store, grills some burgers for his kids, mows the lawn, tries to get destroyed by an evil chef, and does many other funny things. This is definitely a weird game, but it is a funny one and I think that that is what really makes this game work. The octopus walks really weirdly. I can not explain it, you have to see it to believe it. You will have many laughs if you play this game, or if you watch someone play it. Overall, a funny game.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

AHW (We Day! :):):):):))

I am excited for we day! I think that it is really cool that our class can be part of a worldwide day that many people participate in. I think that this will really make people want to donate to our project because a bunch of people will get to know about our project. Our donations will probably skyrocket just because there are millionaires there that might want to donate so that is just great. If lots of people donate from we day, then we will be able to get $12,000 in a few days. We have been working on this for almost a whole school year now, and we might be able to get what we have been working so hard for in a few days.

Monday, March 17, 2014


I went to the BCS Blast yesterday. It was fun. You might be wondering what is the blast? It is a fundraiser that our school does to let kids have some fun at our school with games and inflatables and prizes that you get from the tickets from the games. There is also a cakewalk. That is where there are a bunch of numbers on the floor and you walk around until the music stops. Then, if they pick the number that you are standing on, you get a cake. I tried about 5 or 6 times and I never got anything. I did get a lot of tickets so I was able to get a basketball hoop that clips to the back of your bedroom door, a mini bowling set, some football playing cards, a star eraser, and a red finger light.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

AHW (Rough Draft Complaint Letter)

Ryan H.

Dear Mr. Morawski,

Hi, my name is Ryan H. and I am in 6th grade in Mr. Joseph's class. I am contacting you to ask you to put recycle bins in the lunch room. The cause of this problem is you taking away the recycle bins. The effect is that students and some staff will not recycle because there is no place to recycle.

BCS took away their recycle bins and now, most people are throwing things away that could be recycled. I understand that you probably took them away because people were throwing trash in them, but you could have some kind of assembly where you tell people to not throw trash in them.

Schools across the USA probably have the same problem.I think that our school could be a model to other schools. We may be doing something good to the rest of the USA. Plus, we are supposed to be a green school right?

I think that the way to make this work is first, you put out some recycle bins right next to the trash cans. Next, you should have a recycle dumpster as well as a garbage one. Finally, you should have an assembly about it and establish some consequences.

Please consider putting  recycle bins in the lunch room. If we do, we will set an example and make the world a better place.

Thank You,
Ryan H.

Friday, March 14, 2014


1. Rick Riordan: because his books have lots of action and I really like action
2. J. K. Rowling: because her books have lots of twists and turns and they are fun to read.
3. Rachel Vail: because her books are really funny
4. Marie Lu: because they have action and twists and turns.
5. Brandon Sanderson: because his books are very magical with nice action.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I just went to a Boy Scout Meeting and I am not patrol leader anymore. It felt weird standing in the back of the line instead of the very front. I hope that the new people will be able to lead our crazy and talkative patrol. I know it was very hard to get them calmed down when I was patrol leader. I don't know if they are going to do good or not but I certainly hope that they do. I am also excited for the read a thon because I like to read and we are getting a big chunk of time to just read books.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

AHW (Spelling City)

Thing that I did for spelling city:

I am a Hollywood star that got an inscription in Hollywood. They had to inscribe it and take a video that that they had to televise for television. I was in movies and sometimes I had to improvise. I was in a doctor movie where I had to prescribe a prescription to someone. I have a magazine and I know someone who has a subscription and had to subscribe to get it. Other people had to supervise this process. I was also in a movie in Egyptian tombs and I had to transcribe to make a transcript which had to provide information. I also wrote an autobiography which had lots of description and a postscript in it. I had to revise it. I did have a scribe who wrote it while I came up with the words. Back to movies. In one of my movies I was a visionary who could see things that were not visible to other people. When I want to get away from all the crowds, I visit my beautiful mountain vista home where I can relax.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I am very nervous about presenting our science project tomorrow or Thursday. I am hoping we have a snow day so that I can present it on Thursday. I am scared because we only have 3 minutes and we have to get a bunch of information out of our mouths in only three minutes. This project is worth a lot and it could bring my grade down if we do not do good. I really would like to do good. I still have math homework left so I want to get back to that so that if we have school tomorrow I can have my math homework. Probably if I did not do it my overall grade would barely go down. I still want to do it so that I know the things for the test. I want to get back to my math homework and I want to have a snow day.

Monday, March 10, 2014

AHW (Kalahari! Again)

List of Kalahari rides:
Flowrider: did not go on, but it looked really cool. It is a machine that recreates big ocean waves.
Victoria Falls: really fun big yellow tube slide with a big tube.
Lazy River: your standard lazy river
Zip coaster: a slide that is like a roller coaster with water
Tanzanian Twister:a crazy ride that is like a toilet bowl, but it is a body slide and looks scary
Leopard's Lair: a kid area with some small body slides and water guns and a big water bucket that tips over when you don't expect it.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

AHW (Kalahari!)

I went to Kalahari this weekend. I really liked it. I did get stressed out when I first got home because of my homework. I think I am a lot better now. Anyway, back to Kalahari. I went on almost of the slides. I did not go the wave rider. It is a machine that recreates ocean waves. I also did not go on the Tanzanian Twister/Twirl (I can't remember). It is a body slide that puts you into a toilet bowl shaped part and you spin around. Then you might fall in face first which I did not want to do. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014


My dad has been away. He left yesterday and he is coming back tomorrow. It is pretty much the least amount of time he could go on the trip. His plane left at about 2:00 PM yesterday and his flight for tomorrow is at 6:30 AM. So he will be back about when my regular school ends. I do miss him, but I have had to go longer without him. I could not take it if one of my parents were gone for 2 weeks. I don't think I could get used to it. That is why I give credit to the kids that have to go without one of their parents.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


It is so cool that I have a pen pal in New Jersey. I think that it is very fun to talk with her and that we do not have to follow a certain guideline every time we reply. We just have to answer their questions and have fun with it. Anyway I think it is really cool that we can partner up with people across North America and work on a project with them. We have not started yet, but once we do, we will be able to at least slow down climate change. I like projects like this in school because it takes learning to a whole new level when you actually get out there and do something about what you learned about. I think that might be a better way to learn than if you just think about it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I like to watch LEGO video game walk throughs with commentary. I don't think that it is fun to just watch a person doing things on a video game without saying anything. I watch these when I am relaxing. Speaking of relaxing, I think I might be doing some of that today once I am done with my other homework. Some fun things that I like are watching video game walk throughs, reading, and playing games with my family. I just kind of go with the flow when I have the time to relax. I think that can not have too much relaxing because then you get really bored. But you can't be working all of the time either. You need a balence.

Monday, March 3, 2014


How could TV be better? You might ask. Well, I have a few reasons of how TV could be better.

1. No commerecials
I mean, think about it. You are watching a movie or a TV show and it goes on a cliffhanger. Think about how angry you could get. I mean you just want to watch the show without interruption.
2. Movies on more often
When you think about it, you might want to watch more movies. There are not many channels that play just movies. I think it would be better with a movie channel.
3. If all the channels were the same numbers on all units across the different countries.
When you go to a friends house you want to watch TV and you have to figure out their numbers.

Informative Essay

I am going to teach you a little bit about the alto saxophone. We will start off with the components, how to put it together and adjust it, and how to clean it. Next, I will teach you the right way that you should put your mouth so that you will be able to play good. I know it may seem hard at the beginning, but when you keep practicing you will agree that it is easy.

The smallest and one of the most important components of an alto saxophone is the reed. These do break, so you want to be careful with them. For an alto saxophone you will want to pick up a box of 2 1/2 size reeds. They are relatively inexpensive so you do not have to worry very much. The reed makes the instrument vibrate. When something vibrates, it creates sound. Without the reed, there would be no sound. Next is the mouthpiece which the reed goes onto. Next is the ligature which is a round metal piece that holds the reed in place so that you get a good sound. Next is the neckpiece which kind of looks like a banana. There is a cork at one end which you put the mouthpiece onto. If the mouthpiece is hard to get on, then you will need to apply some cork grease to make it easier to get it on. Next is the body of the instrument which is the main part that has all of the buttons. You connect the neckpiece into it at the top.

The things that you have to adjust are the ligature and the front top of the instrument where there are two little knobs. You can tighten those knobs to make the neck piece stick in more and loosen them to make the neck piece loosen and go all over the place. I would just go with a pretty tight fit on this one so that you can slide it in and out. You should only be able to move it with your hand. With the ligature, you should tighten the top screw and put the thin part of the reed lined up with the front of the mouthpiece.

To have your mouth in a good position, you have to have your teeth on the top of the mouthpiece and your lips over your teeth on the bottom. If this does not really work for you, you can come up with something else as long as it works. If you are going to be playing a low note, you will have to make your mouth longer like an O to get it out.

To clean it, you use these towels with strings and weights connected to them. You put a small one through the mouthpiece and pull it through. You put the big rag through the neck and pull. It will not go through, so pull it back. You then put the big towel in the body of the sax. You put it in the big side and tip the body over until the weight comes out. Then you pull on the weight to get it out.

I hope that you learned something about the alto saxophone and the right care of it. I hope that will do this in your own saxophone work.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I went to a cheer leading banquet today and I was the only kid there. It was ok though because the food was great and the things that they were talking about were interesting. I thought it was a good experience because my sister got a scholar athlete award for getting a good GPA and participating in a sport.

I also like this weekend because I do not have much homework at all. I only have to study for my Spanish test on Thursday and practice my saxophone for at least 15 minutes. I am very happy because of that so I get time to relax and hang out. I think that relaxing is an important part of life but you can not have too much.