Monday, October 7, 2013


I was pumped. I was doing things on the playground that I hadn’t done for a long time. I was having fun on the playground during choice hour. I was remembering that I liked to jump over the slides for fun in third and fourth grade.


I got ready to jump. I started to run and I felt the wind against my face and the sides of my body. I was going really fast. I jumped over the light green slide… and I made it! Again and again, I went over the slide. On my fourth run it felt like I was going even faster than before. I ran, jumped, and tripped. I fell on my elbow. I got up in about a minute and slowly hobbled forward because I didn’t want to hurt my elbow even more.


I went over to the picnic table where the teacher was sitting.


“I think I might have hurt my arm a little” I told her

“Really!  Do you need to go to the office?”

“No, I think I’m ok”


I sat there for a while, but my arm still hurt. It seemed like hours, but the teacher finally said “you can go in now”

“Well… is it time”

“No, but since you got hurt you might need some extra time to go to your locker and back”



I slowly walked down in the silence of the hallway. After about 2 or 3 minutes I got to my locker. I did my combination with my left hand. It was a little hard to do.  Slowly I did 1st number, 2nd number, 3rd number. I opened up my locker. Slowly I started to take all my homework down. I tried to concentrate through the searing pain in my right arm. Ow…ow…ow…ow. I tried to think. I only have math. Yeah, I think that’s right.


I started to walk to the bus. I would rest on the bus ride home.



I went inside my house on Wednesday. My dad was not suspecting anything out of the ordinary. I came home and I said to him “Hey dad, my arm is kind of hurting.”


“It is!?”


“Yeah it is”


“Well, what did you do to make it hurt”


”I jumped over a slide” I whispered.


”You what”


I gained up my courage to tell my dad what I did. ”I jumped over a slide”


“Oh oh oh no” My dad shook his head from side to side.


Dinner was a sad one. We all ate in silence. I barely touched my plate of scrambled eggs with hot dog slices. My sister went to my dad and said “I don’t think I want to go to gymnastics”.


“Why” my dad asked.


“Well, it’s just because of Ryan coming home with his arm hurting. I don’t feel comfortable doing all of the flips and turns that I normally do with Ryan like this”.


“ok” that’s fine


“Is it still hurting Ryan?”




”Well then we’re going to have to go to the doctors”



I was in the urgent care office in Beaumont. I was waiting patiently to figure out if my arm was broken or not. I could barely stand the pressure of it all. I couldn’t think of any way that I could have not broken my elbow.


The doctor came in and said “  











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