Sunday, June 15, 2014
This is probably one of the last times I am going to write on this blog. I think that it was a good experience, but I don't want to be taking this much time out of my life. In total, if I did this for the rest of my life, I think it would be about a week of writing in total. I did not calculate it, but that is my estimate. Anyway, I am going to like summer. Some of the weeks I get to stay home and do whatever I want and some weeks I will be at camps. I think it is a nice mix. I like how in the summer you mostly get to do whatever you want. The only exception is summer packets. I think that it is nice to get a little work into summer so you are not as bored, but not a bunch. Anyway, this is pretty much the end of my blog. I think I will have a good summer and I hope that anyone who is reading this will too.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
I think the year has just flew by so fast with so many great memories and so many funny moments and I will be going on to my next phase of learning. I hope I will do good in 7th grade next year. I think that it will be hard at first, just like 5/6 was, but then I will get used to the amount of work and what is expected of me. I have done very well so far, and I am not a person to break my streaks usually. I'm not sure how much I will be writing on this blog over the summer, probably not much. I still think that writing can be fun in this way where you can talk about anything. I hope all my teachers before this will remember me.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
We had wacky recess today. I got kind of wet but not very wet. If you don't know, wacky recess is our school's version of field day. Field day is what they call it at most schools. I think that it is fun. It is a good thing to do at the end of the year as a little party if some people are not coming to the last day and a half of school. We also go to watch part of "Despicable Me 2". I think that it is a really fun and funny movie, so I want to finish it and see what happens at the end. I think that the last week of school in middle school and elementary school is mostly fun time. I like that they give you some fun in school so you can have fun with friends.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
I can't believe it. School is almost over and it felt like it went so quickly. Also, this is my 200th post. I did not think I would be writing this much this year. Even though some of the posts just say what we did in class that day, I still feel like 200 is a really good amount for almost the whole school year. I think it is fun that you get to celebrate your posts. It just feels really good that I have written that much. I think I did this for when I had 100 posts and for when I had 150. I did it at 150 because I didn't think I would make it this far at the rate I was going at that point. Then we started doing our literary essays, so I got to post more and I am now at 200. In this whole year I will have 203.
Monday, June 9, 2014
I think that move up day gets less exciting as you go on. In 3rd and 4th grade you get to tour the school and get yogurt from the cafeteria. In 5th and 6th grade you do a teamwork game and get to know everybody. In 7th and 8th you see what you have to do over the summer and go over what you will be doing throughout the whole year in that particular class period. I think it is still fun, because it is a difference from regular school, but it is not as fun as 3rd and 4th where you just tour the school. I am really glad that school is almost out. I think that the most difficult part of my summer packet is going to be to read King Aurthur and write a one page essay on it. I also will have to do goal setting and community service which should not take too long.
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster and he made noises and jumped out which scared his friends. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. Sid was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. on the way out, the shark bites Chet's leg. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
Chet's friends come to talk to him. After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life and to not be lonely. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster and he made noises and jumped out which scared his friends. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. Sid was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. on the way out, the shark bites Chet's leg. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
Chet's friends come to talk to him. After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life and to not be lonely. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Today is a good day. I have Sciracy and I have PE. I like Sciracy because I like to create my own games. I like PE because we normally get to play fun physical games. We have been playing a bunch of baseball and kickball games. They came up with so many different versions of kickball. It is crazy how many versions they made. Anyway, I don't think that I am going to have much homework tonight, which is nice because it is the weekend. I still have to study for my end of the year math test though. I also have to make sure my science project is finish and I am set to present. I like that we don not have to do a test in science. I like that we only have to math.
Literary Essay New Draft
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster and he made noises and jumped out which scared his friends. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. Sid was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. on the way out, the shark bites Chet's leg. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
Chet's friends come to talk to him. After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital.Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life and to not be lonely. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster and he made noises and jumped out which scared his friends. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. Sid was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. on the way out, the shark bites Chet's leg. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
Chet's friends come to talk to him. After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital.Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life and to not be lonely. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
My corporate and I went on a expedition. We were sent by the capitol. We saw a huge centipede and a random pedestal. We were walking along, sure not going to get a pedicure, but we found a peddler in the forest trying to sell us a pedal. We came across a temple, but all of a sudden we were captive in traps. I saw the warriors lined up in corps. Their captain seeme to want us for dinner. His corporal spoke to him. I think they want to decapitate me and eat my corpse. Incorporate me at dinner. We were in captivity. We escaped one day, I'm not going to tell you how, but we started to peddle becuase they took all our money. No one is going to captivate me ever again.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
New Literary Essay
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. He was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital.Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. There was a old legend that a monster lived in the creek that his friends swim in. He played a prank on them where he was the river monster. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet tells his friends that they have to get out of the water because there is a shark in the water. He was in danger of dying from the shark eating him. So, Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital.Chet is surprised they are there because he thinks that they might still not like him. He didn't think that they would come on a train ride just to see him and apologize. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
I was writing a draft for a letter to a Zambian person today. We don't really know who they are going to be, but we wrote drafts, so I think they are the ones that we are going to be sending, but I am not sure. I don't think that they will get back to us this year, because these letters have to go halfway across the world and back, and they would need about two days to write their letters or more because they have to use paper. I still think that it is cool that we are now sending letters to Zambia even if they will not get back to us in time. It makes me think about how lucky I am to even be typing this right now on a computer and know how to type really fast and go to a good school where there are nice people and I get to learn many things. My school was where I learned to type pretty fast. I think that I am very fortunate and I have many luxuries.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
My science experiment went really good. I woke up this morning and there were crystals all over the pipe cleaner that I used. I think it is really cool that some plain old Borax can turn into nice pretty crystals. I just can't get over that fact. Every time I look at them I think that I did that with just some simple materials. Now for this science project, I have to make a video with all of the steps of what to do to make the crystals appear. I think that it will be pretty easy to do because I am getting a little head start form everyone else by doing it at home. I think that I won't have any science homework this week because of the project. I might have some on the weekend.
Monday, June 2, 2014
I did a science experiment tonight. It was about growing crystals using borax and water. I think that it is pretty cool that we get to choose whatever project I want to do. I think that using borax to grow crystals is awesome. I have to wait to see if it worked. It said that I needed to wait overnight for the crystals to grow overnight. I think that this will work. the other thing I still have to do is study for my science test. It shouldn't be too hard, because I know most of the concepts and the last science test I took I got 100% so I think that I am going to get that or maybe only a few points worse. I think as long as I study tonight I will do good.
Journal Response Entry 3
Journal Response Entry 3
Journal Response Prompt: Tell me about a character you really dislike in this book. What kind of person is this character, and why is he/she your least favorite? Give specific examples from the book to help me understand your choice.
My least favorite character in the book is Madam Lockton. She is a loyalist and she is a spoiled brat that will not do barely anything for herself. Also, she gets very mad at her servants when they just do tiny mistakes. Here is an example from the book from page 51: " One day she beat her with a fireplace poker". One of Madam's other servant's is telling the main character what Madam did to another slave. This proves that Madam gets very mad at her servants even if they do something only a little wrong. Here is another example from page 68: " Girl, the bedding needs to be aired". Here is an example where she is making the main character work and she does not like it. She will not do any of these things for herself because she has a slave. Overall, Madam Lockton is my least favorite character because she does basically nothing for herself.
Journal Response Prompt: Tell me about a character you really dislike in this book. What kind of person is this character, and why is he/she your least favorite? Give specific examples from the book to help me understand your choice.
My least favorite character in the book is Madam Lockton. She is a loyalist and she is a spoiled brat that will not do barely anything for herself. Also, she gets very mad at her servants when they just do tiny mistakes. Here is an example from the book from page 51: " One day she beat her with a fireplace poker". One of Madam's other servant's is telling the main character what Madam did to another slave. This proves that Madam gets very mad at her servants even if they do something only a little wrong. Here is another example from page 68: " Girl, the bedding needs to be aired". Here is an example where she is making the main character work and she does not like it. She will not do any of these things for herself because she has a slave. Overall, Madam Lockton is my least favorite character because she does basically nothing for herself.
Friday, May 30, 2014
My friend just took a Criterion test and he wrote too much, so the computer can not grade him. I think that Mr. Joseph has to grade it himself. I have never seen this happen before as long as I have done criterion. He did really good. I think that I only wrote about 450 words and he wrote 800 words. I can't believe it! This is crazy. I think that I won't do something as good as that in 30 minutes for a long time. Good job Jake! Congratulations at breaking the system!
Criterion Essay
How would you feel like if you woke up and there were no
cars or trucks to take you to school, or to work, or to anywhere you want to
go. We know that this will almost never happen, but if it did, we would really
feel the impact. Cars and trucks make a regular human being able to move
quicker, store more, and stay cool or warm.
Cars and trucks make humans move quicker. Without cars and
trucks, every day everyone in the world would have to wake up earlier, and walk
or bike no matter how far away the school or job where you work is. You would
have to get a job that is relatively close to your house, or else you'll be
waking up early and getting lots of exercise. Your school would have to be
close to your house too because you have to be able to not be really tired so
you don't have to wake up so early. Cars
play a big role in how fast we get to other places we need to go to.
Cars and trucks let humans store more. When you go to the
grocery store in your car, you have enough space and more to put all of your
groceries into. If you didn't have cars, then you would have to use your bike
to get all of the things you need from the grocery store. I think walking would
be better because then you don't have to concentrate on staying balanced as
well as holding the groceries. The grocery stores would have to use cargo
planes for all of their shipments. That would mean that prices would go up on
food across the whole world because they need to use planes instead of trucks
and trucks are cheaper. The storage of cars and truck is very important to us.
Cars and trucks keep you cool and warm in the times where it
is really hot or really cold. Without cars and trucks, in the winter in
Michigan and other cold states and countries, you would have to walk or bike in
snowstorms and thunderstorms. Or you could take a plane, but they cost very
much, so it would be a waste. When you get in the car in the wintertime, you
are grateful for all of the heat. Without that heat you would have to walk to
work and school in snow pants and a full winter jacket with something to
protect your face. The heating of cars and trucks is very important to us.
Overall, cars and trucks play a big role in our lives. They
help keep us warm when it is chilly outside. They store our groceries for us.
Finally, they let us move quicker.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I had baseball tonight, so that is why I am writing this so late. At baseball, we had a mercy against the other team. We were lacking one player on the field. You needed 9 and we only had 8. One of the guys from the other team was our 9th guy. None of the guys from the other team really did anything when they were out there as a substitute for one of our players because the ball never went back to them. I also went to the dentist and I got sealants on some of my teeth. Now whenever I touch my tongue to those spots, they feel very smooth. When they did it, my mouth got a bit cold, but otherwise, it was okay.
Journal Response Entry 2
Journal Response Entry 2
Journal Response Prompt: If you were stranded on a deserted Island, which character from the book would you like to have with you and why?
On a deserted island, I would want Ruth to be with me. On page 95, it shows that Ruth was working even after she had a shaking fit, she got right back up and got back to work: " Ruth was picking up the peas that she'd spilled". I would like he to help with the work on the deserted Island. She would help with all of the work and the cooking that we would need to do to stay alive. I would also like Ruth with me because If I had to nurture her on the island and tell her that everything would be alright, at least it would be something to do. She would also be the best person to play with. She would figure out something to play with so that we would not be bored. I would also feel good to have her with me because she would be free. I know I would not be bored with Ruth on the island. Overall, I think that Ruth would be a good choice on a deserted island because of all of these reasons.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Yesterday my baseball game got cancelled and today my soccer practice got cancelled all because of rain. I think that since it didn't rain much in April, the weather is making up now because it is raining quite a bit. I hope I have my baseball game tomorrow because I want something to do. It is nice that I get more time for my homework, but I really want something else to do. I really hope I don't have much homework tomorrow and that my baseball game isn't cancelled. Being at home isn't as fun and isn't as good for you than getting out and doing something. So that is why I like spring activities.
Journal Response Entry 1
Journal Response Entry 1
Journal Response Prompt: What was the author's message? Which story events helped you figure out the message?
The author's message was that Africans were not treated well in the 13 colonies by some people. This is proved on page 149: the spark kindled on my cheek flared and spread through my entire body. First my eyes, then hair, then down my limbs, until even my toes and fingers felt they were aflame. This story event helped me figure out the author's message by telling me that even if a slave tried to run out a window and escape, they would be treated very harshly, to the point where they would sometimes get burnt or sometimes even die. Another place where this was proved was on page 33: "Madam slapped my face so hard it near threw me to the ground. " This story event helped me figure out the author's message because one of the slave girls giggled, and she got slapped very hard for it. This is another event where African slaves were not treated well. One more place where this is proved is on page 133: "Sold?" I repeated". This proves again how African slaves were not treated well because you could get sold away from your family or your family could get sold away from you. Overall, these three parts of the book explain why African slaves were not treated very well in the 13 colonies.
First Draft Literary Essay
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
I was up to bat, last inning, 1 out. I go up to bat. the pitcher raises
his arm and I put my weight back. Boom. It hit the catcher's glove.
"Strike" I heard the umpire say. Another pitch. Again, pitcher raised
his arm and I put my weight back. I took a swing. It was terrible. I was
using my hands and the bat kind of just galloped along like a horse.
"Strike". I knew I was in a tough situation, but I put myself calm and
said if I struck out, everything was going to be alright. Pitcher raises
his arm. I put my weight back. I swung and I hit it! Next thing I knew was I was going to first base as fast as I could and all of a sudden I was jogging back to line up to say good game while everyone on my team was coming and patting me on the back or hitting me on the helmet or doing something else in encouragement. I was soon saying good game to all of the people on the other team who I didn't know and I was jogging back to the dugout to get patches. Our coaches give out patches for people who do good or people who are leaders. They gave out victory patches which means you won the game. Then came the individual awards. The coach said "Ryan: Lightning. That was a great hit for a game winning hit" Everyone was cheering and I gave out some fist bumps.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Today was Memorial Day and first I got up at 7:40 to get to a flag retirement activity with my Boy Scout troop. The fires that they make there have to be big because we have to retire a lot of flags. But when all of that nylon gets into the fire, it starts to look like gooey black liquid that would be very creepy if it was a monster. Then, since we had less flags than the year before, I went to the Beverly Hills parade with my family. It was fun. My sister and I got lots of candy, so I am happy. But with this post, I also want to honor all of the veterans that risked their lives and sacrificed to make this country what it is. This country is a free country and that is very nice.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Complaint Letter
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. Without friends, you are not very happy. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48). He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life. He knows that friends are important which indicates that he grows and gets wiser about things in life.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
I was up to bat, last inning, 1 out. I go up to bat. the pitcher raises his arm and I put my weight back. Boom. It hit the catcher's glove. "Strike" I heard the umpire say. Another pitch. Again, pitcher raised his arm and I put my weight back. I took a swing. It was terrible. I was using my hands and the bat kind of just galloped along like a horse. "Strike". I knew I was in a tough situation, but I put myself calm and said if I struck out, everything was going to be alright. Pitcher raises his arm. I put my weight back.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
I had a soccer practice tonight and even though it was very tiring, I think it was the best one yet. We don't have a game during the weekend, but since we missed last practice because of rain, we decided to have this one. We worked on scoring a lot because we are pretty bad at scoring and better at defending. We did a scrimmage against the girls that were there and we lost, but in our defense, they had substitutes and after about 5 minutes in, we didn't even have a full team that is supposed to be out on the field. I think that if we had the right amount of players on the field, we would have won.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
My mom got a new car yesterday. It is another minivan because those really work with our lifestyle and when we go on vacation with a long car ride they are a big help to carry all of our suitcases and have snacks and things. Some good new things about it: it is red, which will really stand out, just like my dads, it has a GPS attached to the monitor. It will update automatically, which is nice. A few new bad things about it: it does not have a AC plug, there used to be a little screen above the steering wheel that told you about a bunch of facts about the car right at that moment that were kind of interesting.
Literary Essay
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48) He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48) He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them. He thinks they will just push him away if he tries to come to them. But when Chet realizes that there is actually a shark in the creek, his friends won't listen to him. He thinks his friends will be at the creek and he rushes there. Chet dives in to save his friend Sid. This is another reason that friendship is important, because if you are in a tough situation, you still have your friends to help you out.
After the incident, Chet is in the hospital healing his bottom leg. He thinks that he will be alone in the hospital doing nothing for a long time. When a knock on the door comes, he thinks that it is his uncle, who is taking care of him, but it turns out it is his three friends who just came on a 2 hour train ride to the hospital. They came to apologize: "We're sorry about everything" said Monty" (84). This is another good thing that friends will do for you. They will come to comfort you.
In I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 Chet understands that he needs to have friends to feel good in life.
Monday, May 19, 2014
I had a soccer game this weekend, our team isn't the best, but we are always cheerful, even if the other team creams us. This game was the best so far. We lost, but it was only 1 to 0 so it was the best we ever did. We have a pretty good goalie on our team named Henry, but he likes being put in the game for half of the game and being in goalie for half. This game however, he was doing so good, we decided to keep him in. He still did good. He only let in one. As for me, I did okay defense. Most of the time this one guy was tricking me to the right and I was going to the left. That was my main weakness. But I mostly ran him down and got the ball back so I could kick it back up. So I didn't do that bad.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
We went back to Africa and there was one ride which we had a fast pass for the Kilimanjaro Safaris. It is pretty much a safari where you see giraffes, elephants, rhinos and some other animals that are in Africa usually. It was fun. The people that drove the trucks had some corny but funny jokes. There were also some parts with water where the truck just went right into them and it was fine. After that we went to the Asia area where there was a trail where you get to see tigers and some other animals that are usually in Asia. After that we went on the Kali river rapids, which was one of my most favorite rides. It is a circular raft, and it seems pretty calm at the beginning. Then, something crazy happens.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Literary Essay
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48) He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them.
Chet is upset that his friends don't like him anymore because he played a bad prank on them. He worries that he will not be able to become friends again. "He kept thinking of that furious look on Sid's face when Chet came out of the water" (48) He understands that he needs friends to be happy, or else he will be lonely, and his old friends will never come back to him.
Chet's friends will still not come back and make up with Chet, and Chet is too scared to go back to them.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Rafiki's planet watch was a place where you mostly look at animals and go to a petting zoo. Pretty much, it was a tiny zoo with only some animals outside and a reptile and amphibian house. There also was some spiders and other insects in the building too. We went to the petting zoo and it was kind of fun. We pet some goats, which have really rough hair. Then we went on the train back to the Africa area. There we went on some rides there. There we not many rides in Africa.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The show was pretty good. There was a story with it, and pictures on a globe, but we were far away from the globe, so mostly it was a fireworks show for us. It was still really good. Its hard to describe, but it was at least 5 minutes. We got back to our bus and back to our hotel fine that night.
The next day we were going to the Animal Kingdom. This one is cool because you get to see some animals so it is a half zoo half amusement park. We started going to the Africa area. We went to the train that went to a place call Rafiki's Planet Watch.
The next day we were going to the Animal Kingdom. This one is cool because you get to see some animals so it is a half zoo half amusement park. We started going to the Africa area. We went to the train that went to a place call Rafiki's Planet Watch.
Literary Essay
Have you ever felt lonely without any friends? In the story I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis, Chet realizes that friends are important.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
We had only gone to the front part of "Epcot", so we wanted to go to the other part. The other part is a place where they have all of the main countries of the world, and you can eat the different kinds of food and go on rides or watch movies about the countries. There were two rides, one for Mexico, and the other one I can't remember which country it was. They were both boat rides, one was really calm and the other had one drop, but it didn't get you wet. It was getting very late and there was going to be a show on the water in the middle because this whole part of "Epcot" was a circle shape.
Monday, May 12, 2014
After that we went over to the test track because we had a fast pass for it. We were a little early for the fast pass. We waited for a little bit because we just wanted to rest. We got to go in, and you got to design your own car. They didn't have it before. They did a big add on. You got to make how you wanted your car with four different elements. I made an orange one and it looked pretty sweet. Then you got to use that to do the ride. It rated you against the other people in the car.
The turtle talk ride was an interactive where you talk with the turtle from "Finding Nemo". It was different but fun. After that we went over to this building that had a ride that was called "Imagination with Figment", or something goofy like that. We were intrigued, though, so we went on it. It was going around the building and this little tiny purple dragon told you about using imagination. I thought that was pretty weird. There was also a ride call captain EO with Micheal Jackson. We didn't go on it.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
We went over to the other rides that were in the building. First we went to the circle of life. It was a movie about the earth and how we affected it. It was pretty good. Next we went to the Living with the land ride. It was very interesting. It was mostly about agriculture. Right on site there was many plants. I thought it was interesting. After, we went to a "Nemo" Ride. It was mostly a quick story of Finding Nemo. Then we went to Turtle Talk with Crush. It is mostly for little kids.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Epcot Vacation (Spring Break)
We wanted to go on one more ride, but we had to get on our bus by 11:30PM. We had to get out of there to catch our bus. we started to walk fast to get to our the transportation center where the buses pick up. We were think about going on the monorail, but then decided that we should go to the ferry boat because it could hold more people. We got in the line and we were cutting people left and right because we had to catch this bus. We got on the boat at about 11:15. We got right to the front of the boat so we could get off first. It was probably about 11:22 when we got there. We had to run off of the boat and to the bus parking, where we made it there at 11:27, 3 minutes before the time the bus came. It felt really good to sit down, even if it was on a cold sidewalk. We got on the bus. I was so sleepy, I was starting to fall asleep on the bus. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I think some people came even later than we did right when the bus was about to leave. We got back to the hotel and almost all of us just barely brushed our teeth and fell asleep really quickly.
The next day we were going to Epcot because it was going to be a pretty hot day so we wanted to be indoors for most of the time. We went to Soarin' first, which is a ride to simulate as if you were in a hang glider and we gliding along in many different beautiful places. We got there first because it is probably the most popular ride there.
The next day we were going to Epcot because it was going to be a pretty hot day so we wanted to be indoors for most of the time. We went to Soarin' first, which is a ride to simulate as if you were in a hang glider and we gliding along in many different beautiful places. We got there first because it is probably the most popular ride there.
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Here is a picture of the Soarin' ride Soarin' Link |
Thursday, May 8, 2014
We were walking really fast to get to the parade. We stopped to take one picture and then went on. We got in just as the park workers were closing the gates that people used to get through to the other side of where the parade was if they wanted to. They closed those just as we got there, SO WE GOT FRONT ROW SEATS! We think it was because of the the good deeds that my dad and I did over the day. It was a very nice parade. The music was a little loud, but I could plug my ears and watch at the same time. It was still awesome to see a bunch of floats lit up and they looked really nice in the dark. Again, I would say about 10 floats. They have good detail, too.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
When we got off splash mountain, I picked up someone's card that you use to get in the park. I thought it was nice to help him.After that we went over to the circus fantasy land area where there was a dumbo ride. The line was pretty weird because you went into this play area where you got to play, but it was more for little kids. My sister was supervising me because you can't be under a certain age. We went on dumbo, it was fun. Then we went over to this one called the barnstormer. It was really quick, but it was really fun. After that, we had to walk fast because we had to go to a light parade.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
My sister, my mom, and I were ahead of my dad. He stayed back and walked slowly. On his way out, he noticed a girl that was leaning back on either a bench or a stool. He realized that she was going to fall so he rushed in and saved her. Another man had seen the whole thing and he said to my dad: "Nice catch man" We didn't even know this had happened until later when he told us. After, it was getting close to a fastpass time. We had the "Splash Mountain" which was a really good fastpass to have. We passed lots of people in a long line and we were able to get in in barely any time. It was awesome.
Monday, May 5, 2014
After, we went to eat lunch. I got a burrito. After lunch we went to see a parade called the festival of fantasy. It had all of the princesses and their stories with the villains. It was really cool. There was probably about 10 floats, maybe more. The bunny with the stopwatch from Alice in Wonderland shook hands with me! I don't remember much of what we did after lunch. I got a hamburger for dinner.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
We went to space mountain, and there was barely any wait. It took us longer to walk through the whole place where you would wait then it did for us to actually wait. We went on twice because the line was still short after we got off. After that we went to the other rides in the Tommorowland area which is pretty much the area with space themed rides and shows. After that we went along and did some other rides. Eventually we got to the point where you have to go in long lines. We had to go to the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad because that is one of the main attractions. It was a long time, but it was worth it because it is a good roller coaster.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
I know it has been quite a while since break, and in about 5 or 6 weeks it will be summer break, I am still going to write more about spring break because there is a lot to tell.
The next morning we woke up even earlier, about 6:00 AM to get to our shuttle with 2 hours to eat breakfast and get ready. We decided to ride our car to the place where the bus picks up. It is still in hotel grounds, but it is a little bit far away. Right as we parked, the bus pulled up. We got out of the car and walked over there. We put on sunscreen on the bus. We also started planning our day. We decided we were going to space mountain.
The next morning we woke up even earlier, about 6:00 AM to get to our shuttle with 2 hours to eat breakfast and get ready. We decided to ride our car to the place where the bus picks up. It is still in hotel grounds, but it is a little bit far away. Right as we parked, the bus pulled up. We got out of the car and walked over there. We put on sunscreen on the bus. We also started planning our day. We decided we were going to space mountain.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Well, I finished most of my homework, tomorrow morning I am going to study for my social studies test and try to do more of my pronouns packet. I have a few pages left. I think that if I get about 2 done tomorrow along with just finishing up with one, I think that tomorrow night I will be able to finish up the last few. If I can't I will just wake up early again. I like late start days because sometimes you sleep in, sometimes you wake up and do fun things, and sometimes you do homework because it is a nice time to finish up homework. Anyway, I am looking forward to sleeping right now.
Study Guide
Loyalist Talk:
Jonathan Boucher: I am a preacher and a loyalist
Me: I am just a young loyalist coming to talk to you to share my ideas and see your ideas
Jonathan Boucher: I say that the King should rule us and the King was created by god.
Me: Yes, I think that the King should rule us.
Jonathan Boucher: I also believe that if you do not follow the king's rules you will not go to heaven and life will be harder
Me: I just believe that the colonists can not handle ruling themselves
Jonathan Boucher: I have one last reason to be a Loyalist: I say that if you try to get independence, because this will lead to a War with Britain.
Me: I definitely agree with that one. That was my main reason why I was a Loyalist, because I did not want to get into a war
Jonathan Boucher: Well, I think that we both have similar goals, so let's go out and try to convince those Patriots to be Loyalists
Me:Yeah, I don't want to get in a war either.
Patriot Talk:
Ben Franklin: I am a inventor, writer and scientist
Me: I am a young Patriot
Ben Franklin: I tried to write to the King to stop making laws that were unfair
Me: Yeah, I would be okay if he stopped making unfair laws
Ben Franklin: I think that they will keep making unfair laws
Me: I think that that is bad
Ben Franklin: I believe that the colonists will be able to govern themselves
Me: I definitely believe that
Ben Franklin: So let's both keep working on trying to get loyalists to be patriots
Me: Yes, I will
Jonathan Boucher: I am a preacher and a loyalist
Me: I am just a young loyalist coming to talk to you to share my ideas and see your ideas
Jonathan Boucher: I say that the King should rule us and the King was created by god.
Me: Yes, I think that the King should rule us.
Jonathan Boucher: I also believe that if you do not follow the king's rules you will not go to heaven and life will be harder
Me: I just believe that the colonists can not handle ruling themselves
Jonathan Boucher: I have one last reason to be a Loyalist: I say that if you try to get independence, because this will lead to a War with Britain.
Me: I definitely agree with that one. That was my main reason why I was a Loyalist, because I did not want to get into a war
Jonathan Boucher: Well, I think that we both have similar goals, so let's go out and try to convince those Patriots to be Loyalists
Me:Yeah, I don't want to get in a war either.
Patriot Talk:
Ben Franklin: I am a inventor, writer and scientist
Me: I am a young Patriot
Ben Franklin: I tried to write to the King to stop making laws that were unfair
Me: Yeah, I would be okay if he stopped making unfair laws
Ben Franklin: I think that they will keep making unfair laws
Me: I think that that is bad
Ben Franklin: I believe that the colonists will be able to govern themselves
Me: I definitely believe that
Ben Franklin: So let's both keep working on trying to get loyalists to be patriots
Me: Yes, I will
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
After we did that, we looked at what time it was and saw that if we wanted to go to the regular Universal Park instead of just the Islands of Adventure, we would have to go there soon because they closed earlier. We got there and we looked at the Despicable Me line. It was really long, but that was one of the only things that we wanted to go on, so we waited in it. It was a fun ride. After that we went to the Transformers ride I think was even better that the Despicable Me, mainly because I have liked Transformers for a long time even though I have not watched the third and there is a fourth coming soon. After that we thought that we would eat, then get some Butterbeer.
Monday, April 28, 2014
After that we wanted to go on a ride that let you go above the whole Jurassic park area but unfortunately we were too tall to ride it. We were kind of bummed out, but we went over to do the other water rides. First we did the Popeye and Bluto Bilge Rat Barges. It is a boat ride that seats about 8 to 10 people and is circular. It was fun, but when we saw the next ride, it kind of blew our minds. It was called Dudley Do-Rights Rip Saw Falls. It is kind of like Splash Mountain at Disney because it has a story.
Narrator: One night in 1765 in New York at the time it was an American colony. There was a patriot and a neutral who crossed paths again.
Patriot: Cheerio
Neutral: How is cocka doodle doing
Patriot: Good, more and more are joining my side every day. Its amazing.
Loyalist: Your people are mad!!!
Patriot: Oh, you. How's it going. You can always switch sides if you want.
Loyalist: No patriot, Neutral you must join my side. You owe Britain, they protected you.
Patriot: Why listen to him. He is mad. He wants us to pay crazy taxes just so lousy King George III can get his back waxed or something. They're crazy.
Neutral: Umm, I don't know who to choose, I choose the Patriot because he's sane.
Loyalist: How could you choose him, and go to war and fight King George III.
Neutral: Like this(Neutral punches Loyalist in the face) That's how I would go to war. Strong like all rest of the patriots. ;-)
Neutral: How is cocka doodle doing
Patriot: Good, more and more are joining my side every day. Its amazing.
Loyalist: Your people are mad!!!
Patriot: Oh, you. How's it going. You can always switch sides if you want.
Loyalist: No patriot, Neutral you must join my side. You owe Britain, they protected you.
Patriot: Why listen to him. He is mad. He wants us to pay crazy taxes just so lousy King George III can get his back waxed or something. They're crazy.
Neutral: Umm, I don't know who to choose, I choose the Patriot because he's sane.
Loyalist: How could you choose him, and go to war and fight King George III.
Neutral: Like this(Neutral punches Loyalist in the face) That's how I would go to war. Strong like all rest of the patriots. ;-)
Literary Essay
I am writing
about the book: The Time Travelers. I will write about the character Kate Dyer.
This character is a character who is the eldest kid, and she is very protective
of her little brothers and sisters. She likes to have a simple life on a farm with
not many people around but family.
Kate is a person
that would rather have a life with no crazy actions and moments than she would
want a crazy life with every twist and turn something else happens. She worries
about her brothers and sisters.In the book though she gets stronger and stronger
and learns that she has to be brave to get through the adventure that she is
I have an excerpt
to prove my idea about Kate: "The year?" "Yes, the year"
"Why, the year of or lord seventeen hundred and sixty-three.
"1763" mouthed kate silently. The shock of it was too much for Peter
to take in, and for a moment he felt no emotion at all. then he had a strong
urge to giggle but found himself instead sinking to the ground. Kate kept
repeating "1763" to herself as if to hammer the meaning home. She
turned very pale and then said, "I feel a bit dizzy," and collapsed
at Gideon's feet.
This explains my
idea because she just figured out that she got transported to 1763 and she would rather have a simple life than one
that twists and turns every minute.
Overall, Kate is
a very worried character that figures out that she needs to be tough and try
not to think about family.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
AHW (Vacation!)
After I got the cards, we went on another roller coaster called Buckbeak's Flight. It is a nice small coaster. It was getting close to mid day, and we thought we might grab some lunch so we went into the Jurassic park area. There was an outside area with a really nice view of quite a lot of the park. You could see the Hulk coaster, and many other things. After we ate, we went of the Jurassic Park river adventure. You don't get very wet, but it is really cool because right before the drop there is a T-Rex.
Friday, April 25, 2014
New Letter of Complaint
Birmingham Covington School
1525 Covington Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Dear Apple Company,
Hi, my name is
Ryan H. I am writing to tell about a problem that I had with your products and
how they react to wiki's. I think that you would need to make it so that you
would be able to use Apple ipads in general on wikis.
Our class is a
frequent user of your products and wikis, and we have found that when we use
our wiki that we have created, your devices will not be able to post very good
on wikis, and on some occasions, we have a very hard time getting to the page.
I started noticing this problem ever since the beginning of the 2012-2013
school year. Almost everyone in our class has some kind of apple device, and
most of them are ipads. They do not like it when they are not able to use the
wiki and then they have to go through a lot of trouble to get another device,
and some of them take a long time to load. Most of the time we are on a time
limit so you can't take that long or else it will be homework.
I know that at
least throughout my whole Birmingham Public Schools school discrict, people use
wikis, and people use ipads. Many people are fans of your products. I just want
to step up and show what to do to make it better, not just for us, but for
other people too. I am saying that lots of people all across the world use
Wikispaces, or wikis. They also use ipads. So you will probably want to make an
update to satisfy your customers or else they will go to other brands such as
android or google.
Luckily for you,
I have a solution to this problem. I think that you should have an update to
all of your systems. I think that you could do it along with iOS 8 if you want
to. But please make ipads, itouches, and iphones compatible with wikis. Your
company and wikispaces are both pretty big companies. I think that you should
come together and your devices should work with wikis.
Thank You,
Ryan H.
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