Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I was writing a draft for a letter to a Zambian person today. We don't really know who they are going to be, but we wrote drafts, so I think they are the ones that we are going to be sending, but I am not sure. I don't think that they will get back to us this year, because these letters have to go halfway across the world and back, and they would need about two days to  write their letters or more because they have to use paper. I still think that it is cool that we are now sending letters to Zambia even if they will not get back to us in time. It makes me think about how lucky I am to even be typing this right now on a computer and know how to type really fast and go to a good school where there are nice people and I get to learn many things. My school was where I learned to type pretty fast. I think that I am very fortunate and I have many luxuries.

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