Sunday, January 19, 2014

Argument Paragraph AHW

Schools should not go to a year-round calender because kids will not be able to go to summer camps. There will not be as many camps because it will be harder to fit camps into 3 weeks. Also, college students who usually help run the camps will not be able to with year-round school.
This proliferation of summer camps has created an equivalent demand for counselors to staff them, which means a variety of interesting summer jobs for high school and university students( I would not like it because I would not be able to just enjoy the summer camps that I usually go to. (Personal Experience) Week-long specialty camps--covering everything from music to science to horseback riding to archaeology to sports--have made summer a time for opportunities unavailable during the school year. (
Camps employ more than 1,500,000 adults to work in various camp positions. (2010 ACA Camp -Facts) This means that the people who work at summer camps will lose jobs. Scout Camps, Church Camps, Scholastic Camps and Athletic Camps could not operate because the normal labor pool of teachers, college students and high school students would not be available.  There also would be a lack of participants due to the requirement of attending school for longer time periods in the summer.( Overall, year-round school will not be a good idea because students will lose the education that they usually get from summer camps.

Works Cited
"ACA Facts and trends" online. 17 December 2014
Maclean's. "Leave Those Kids Alone: the case for long summer vacations" 23 August 2010: Online.16 December 2013
 Madison, Scotti. "Year-Round Schools: Is it The Answer or a Mere Band-Aid?" Web. 17 January 2014

Now I have some time to just write what I am thinking about. First of all, I am very excited because I only have two half pages left of the adjectives packet. I think as I keep doing them they become easier.

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