Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Tonight I had my band concert. Literally, it was just a little bit before this. We played 2 songs, the 7th grade played 2 songs, the 8th grade played 2 songs, and the 7th and 8th grade played 2 songs together. I think that we did good on our 2 songs. I would have liked to play a song that people actually knew because it is/was popular. I still think it was ok. The seventh grade got to play Ukrainian Bell Carol, or as most people know it by: Carol of the Bells. The seventh and eighth grade played Let it Snow, which I also would like to play.


  1. I would NOT like to play that esong ever. No, Ukrainein Bell Carol, yeah I want to play that song. I like that song. dun, dundundun dun, dunudundun

  2. Like really people. 6th graders are under estimated by Ms. E. I thought we could play more songs when we were done we were 5 mins in the concert and we had to sit there for like 40mins. I agree we could of played let it snow.

    1. Yeah, I really think that we could have played at least one more song.
